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[photo, William D. Missouri, Prince George's County Circuit Court Judge] WILLIAM D. MISSOURI, Circuit Administrative Judge, 7th Judicial Circuit, (Calvert, Charles, Prince George's & St. Mary's counties), May 1, 1997 to September 3, 2010. Retired September 3, 2010. County Administrative Judge, Prince George's County Circuit Court, 7th Judicial Circuit, October 1992 to September 3, 2010 (Associate Judge, January 14, 1988 to October 1992).

Chair, Conference of Circuit Judges, December 4, 2004 to December 4, 2008 (member, 1997-2010; vice-chair, 2003-04; executive committee, 2003-10). Member, Board of Directors, Judicial Institute of Maryland, 1991-95. Member, Judicial Compensation Committee, Civil Law and Procedure Committee, 1997-2000, Criminal Law and Procedure Committee, 2000-06, and Judicial Council, 2000-03, Maryland Judicial Conference. Member, Ad Hoc Committee on the Implementation of Family Divisions, 1997-2002. Member, Court of Appeals Standing Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure, 2000-05. Chair, Legislative Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference, 2001-10. Member, Judicial Cabinet, 2004-08. Chair, National Conference of State Trial Judges, 2006-07 (vice-chair, 2004-05; chair-elect, 2005-06; past chair, criminal justice committee). Member, Task Force to Improve Child Support Compliance in Prince George's County, 2007-08.

Member, Maryland Access to Justice Commission, 2008-; Ad Hoc Committee on Sentencing Alternatives, Re-Entry, and Best Practices, 2010-12; Commission to Study Campaign Finance Law, 2011-13.

Administrative Judge, District Court of Maryland, 5th District, Prince George's County, 1987 (Associate Judge, July 12, 1985 to October 1987). Member, Special Joint Committee on Gender Bias in the Courts, 1987-89.

Assistant State's Attorney, Prince George's County, 1978-85. Member, Board of Visitors, Bowie State University (chair, 1985-2004). Member, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, Prince George's County, 2004-10. Vice-Chair, Accountability, Compliance and Integrity Advisory Board, Prince George's County, 2011.

Born in Washington, DC, September 4, 1940. Attended Dalzell, South Carolina, public schools. Served in U.S. Air Force, 1958. Prince George's Community College; Bowie State College, B.S. (political science), cum laude, 1975; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1978. Member, American Bar Association (conference chair; vice-chair, judicial division, 2010-11); Maryland State Bar Association (board of governors, 1990-92; judicial administration section; litigation section; pattern jury instruction subcommittee); Prince George's County Bar Association (chair, continuing legal education committee, 1986-87; chair, special committee to review bar association committee structure, 1987-88; board of directors, 1983-88); J. Franklyn Bourne Bar Association. Arbitrator, JAMS, Inc. Greenbelt Resolution Center, 2011-. Member, Executive Committee, University of Maryland Law School Alumni Association, 1986-92. Member, Phi Alpha Delta International Law Fraternity; National District Attorneys Association; Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Instructor, Paralegal Studies, Prince George's Community College, 1985. American Inns of Court, Marlborough Chapter (master of the bench, 1988-90; president, 1990-91). President, Board of Directors, Maryland Bar Foundation, 2005-06 (vice-president, 2003-05). Chair-elect, National Conference of State Trial Judges, 2005-06. Prince Hall Masons, Prudent Lodge no. 27 (worshipful master, 1971, 1972). Jonathan Davis Consistory no. One, 33 degree, Mecca Temple, no. Ten Shriners. Chair, Patuxent District N.C.A., Boy Scouts of America, 1993-94. Outstanding Service Award, Patuxent District, Boy Scouts of America, 1994. Maryland Pro Bono Service Award, Pro Bono Service Center, 2002. Maryland Leadership in Law Award, Daily Record, 2002. Legal Excellence Award, J. Franklyn Bourne Bar Association, 2005. Certificate of Appreciation, Maryland National Capitol Park Police, 2005. Pro Bono Publico, Maryland Bar Foundation, 2005-07. Distinguished Service Award, National Center for State Courts, 2006. President's Award, Prince George's County Bar Association, 2007. Advancement of Public Service Responsibility Award, Maryland Bar Foundation, 2012. Former chair, Board of Directors, Archdiocese of Washington Catholic Youth Organization. Member, Parish Council, St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Landover.

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