Nancy S. Grasmick Building, 6 North Liberty St., Baltimore, Maryland, March 2014. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
The Maryland Higher Education Commission coordinates the growth and development of post-secondary education in Maryland. In keeping with the goals outlined in the State Plan for Higher Education, the Commission establishes statewide policies for public and private colleges and universities, and for private career schools. The Commission reviews and approves the start-up and continuation of new colleges and universities in Maryland, as well as requests for new academic programs at established schools. In 1991, State funding was extended to community colleges and to eligible independent colleges and universities.
To keep tuition affordable for Marylanders, General Fund appropriations to four-year public colleges and universities are supplemented by the Fund. The Investment Fund also may be used for capital projects at these institutions, and for workforce development initiatives. During the 2008 legislative session, the allowable uses of the Fund were expanded to address higher education needs related to the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) process.
State Plan for Postsecondary Education. Every four years, the Commission reviews and updates the State Plan for Postsecondary Education, and reports on the status and needs of postsecondary education in Maryland (Code Education Article, sec. 11-105). The Plan is developed consistent with the Maryland Charter for Higher Education (adopted in 1988) which sets forth State goals for higher education (Code Education Article, secs. 10-201 through 10-212).
The Commission's twelve members are appointed by the Governor with Senate advice and consent. Eleven serve five-year terms; a student member has a one-year term. The Governor names the chair (Code Education Article, secs. 11-101 through 11-206).
Under the Commission is the Division of Planning and Academic Affairs and four offices: Budget and Administration; Finance Policy and Facilities; Outreach and Grants Management; and Student Financial Assistance. The Maryland Fire-Rescue Education and Training Commission also assists the Commission.
Appointed by the Secretary of Higher Education, the Council is composed of faculty members representing the segments and institutions of higher education.
The Council is comprised of financial aid directors and others associated with the six segments of higher education. Members are appointed by the Secretary of Higher Education.
"Between Morning and Night": Maryland Fire-Rescue Services Memorial scupture (2006), by Rodney Carroll, Calvert St., Annapolis, Maryland, July 2007. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
Emergency services training is coordinated through the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems, the University of Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute, and ten academies and centers:
Thirteen members constitute the Commission. They are appointed to four-year terms by the Governor with Senate advice and consent. The Governor names the chair (Code Education Article, sec. 11-501 through 11-503).
Council membership includes one student from the student governance body at each degree-granting institution in Maryland.
As the State Scholarship Board, the Office of Student Financial Assistance began in 1961 (Chapter 412, Acts of 1961). The Board reorganized in 1988 as the State Scholarship Administration under the Maryland Higher Education Commission (Chapter 246, Acts of 1988). On July 1, 2002, the Administration was renamed the Office of Student Financial Assistance (Chapters 315 and 429, Acts of 2002).
Nancy S. Grasmick Building, 6 North Liberty St., Baltimore, Maryland, March 2014. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
Through the Maryland College Aid Processing System (MCAPS), the Office processes State scholarship applications and allocates available funds. Using this System, students can apply on-line for certain scholarships, check application status, accept or decline awards, and change enrollment status.
Under the Division of Planning and Academic Affairs are the Maryland Digital Library, and three offices: Academic Affairs; Information Technology; and Research, Planning and Policy Analysis.
In collaboration with the Enoch Pratt Free Library, the State Archives, county libraries, and elementary and secondary school libraries, the Maryland Digital Library may develop programs to support all residents of the State (Code Education Article, secs. 11-801 through 11-804).
Annually, the Council submits a report to the Maryland Higher Education Commission. Upon receipt of this report, the Commission can encourage each academic library to increase shared access to information through internet-accessible electronic form, and in books or other traditional formats. The Commission also may encourage the libraries to optimize effective use of funding in the creation of digital resources; digitize unique collections as internet resources; as well as train staff to improve services, and develop programs that support training library users' access to electronic materials (Code Education Article, secs. 11-801 through 11-804).
The Office sets academic and financial standards for the Maryland Higher Education Commission to approve and provides information on how to open a school. For students, the Office maintains lists of approved schools and those which have closed. Enrollment figures, completion rates, and pass rates of graduates on any licensure examination are published by the office. To protect students, the Office may take legal action against schools when necessary.
For the Maryland Higher Education Commission, the Office studies major issues in postsecondary education. The Office also collects and analyzes data later reported in the Commission's annual Data Book and Trend Book and on the Internet. For public colleges and universities, the Office coordinates the yearly performance accountability process and prepares enrollment projections.
? Copyright Maryland State Archives
Administered by the Maryland Higher Education Commission, the Higher Education Investment Fund was established by the Tax Reform Act of 2007. The Act dedicates a portion of the increase in corporate tax revenues to the Fund (Chapter 3, Acts of 2007 Special Session; Code Education Article, sec. 15-106.6).
Appointed by the Governor with Senate advice and consent, the Secretary of Higher Education oversees the State's system of higher education. The Secretary chairs the Segmental Advisory Council, and serves on the Governor's Executive Council; the Governor's Subcabinet for International Affairs; the Smart Growth Subcabinet; the College Savings Plans of Maryland Board; the Commission on Civic Literacy; the Education Coordinating Committee; the Education and Workforce Training Coordinating Council for Correctional Institutions; the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority; the Governor's Commission on Hispanic Affairs; the Coordinating Council for Juvenile Services Educational Programs; the Maryland Longitudinal Data System Center Governing Board; the Maryland Advisory Commission on Manufacturing Competitiveness; the Interdepartmental Advisory Committee for Minority Affairs; the P-20 Leadership Council of Maryland; the Southern Maryland Higher Education Council; the Southern Regional Education Board; the Student Transfer Advisory Committee; the Governor's Warrior to Worker Council; the Governor's Workforce Investment Board; and the Board of Directors, Maryland Workforce Corporation.
The Faculty Advisory Council reviews issues and advises the Secretary of Higher Education on matters of importance to faculty members.
The Financial Assistance Advisory Council advises the Maryland Higher Education on policy and administrative issues affecting financial aid in the State.
In 1976, the Maryland Fire-Rescue Education and Training Commission was established within the State Board for Higher Education (Chapter 682, Acts of 1976). The Commission was placed under the Secretary of Higher Education in 1988 (Chapter 246, Acts of 1988).
For the fire, rescue and emergency medical education and training system in Maryland, the Commission establishes minimum standards and approves system programs. The Commission also develops and maintains a statewide master plan for fire-rescue education; and collects and disseminates data, and reviews research in the field.
Anne Arundel County Fire Academy
Frank J. Trenner Fire Academy, Baltimore City Fire Department
Baltimore County Fire Academy
BWI Training Division, Fire Rescue Service, Maryland Aviation Administration
Carroll County Training Center
Frederick County Public Safety Training Facility
Hagerstown Fire Department
James N. Robey Public Safety Training Center, Howard County Department of Fire and Rescue
Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Training Academy and
Prince George's County Fire and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Department Training Academy.
The Segmental Advisory Council advises the Secretary of Higher Education. Represented on the Council are the six "segments" of the postsecondary community: the University System of Maryland, Morgan State University, St. Mary's College of Maryland, community colleges, private universities and colleges, and private career schools. From each of these, the chief executive or a representative of its governing and coordinating boards serves on the Council.
The Student Advisory Council provides advice to the Secretary of Higher Education.
Nancy S. Grasmick Building, Ground Suite
6 North Liberty St., Baltimore, MD 21201
The Office is responsible for all State student financial aid programs, administering over $93 million in such aid in Maryland. Financial aid programs include need-based grants which are awarded on the basis of the student's ability to pay; merit-based scholarships given to students with special talents; career-based scholarships for students entering certain workforce programs; awards to unique populations, such as military veterans; and legislative scholarships. Students may use this aid at community colleges, independent colleges and universities, private career schools, and State public four-year institutions.
The Workforce Shortage Student Assistance Grant Program was established in 2006 (Chapter 367, Acts of 2006). Through this program, scholarships are awarded to Maryland residents who plan on careers in child care, human services, nursing, physical and occupational therapy, public service, or teaching. Grant recipients must serve full-time in their employment field for each year of award. Eligible fields are determined by the Advisory Council on Workforce Shortage and address statewide and regional workforce needs.
Formed in 1988, the Division of Planning and Academic Affairs approves academic programs and new institutions, and oversees postsecondary institutions, including private career schools. The needs of education and training programs as well as plans for such programs are analyzed by the Division.
The Maryland Digital Library was authorized in October 2004 within the Maryland Higher Education Commission (Chapter 402, Acts of 2004). Its purpose is to strengthen cooperation among Maryland academic libraries, and create fiscal efficiencies through such cooperation. The Library consists of the academic libraries in public and private nonprofit institutions of postsecondary education that are approved by the Maryland Higher Education Commission.
The Maryland Digital Library Advisory Council was created in October 2004 (Chapter 402, Acts of 2004).
The approval process for postsecondary institutions wishing to offer certificates, degrees or diplomas in Maryland is coordinated by the Office of Academic Affairs. The Office establishes minimum requirements for academic programs and provides information about approved programs and the approval process. It also oversees the regulation of private career schools in Maryland.
The Office of Research, Planning and Policy Analysis originated in 1976 as Research, Planning, and Evaluation. In 1985, it reorganized as Research, Planning, and Information Systems. Under the Division of Planning and Academic Affairs since 1988, it reformed as the Division of Policy Analysis and Research in 1997. In June 2001, the Division became the Office of Policy Analysis and Research. The Office reorganized further in 2008 as the Office of Planning, Research Analysis, and Workforce Development. It reformed under its present name in 2010.
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